Oregon gets organic goat dairy

Fairview Farms Goat Dairy recently became Oregon’s second to be certified organic, joining only a dozen organic goat dairies nationwide.

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Fairview Farms Goat Dairy recently became Oregon’s second to be certified organic, joining only a dozen organic goat dairies nationwide.

Terry and Laurie Carlson’s six-acre farm is located just outside Dallas, Oregon.

Now they’re busy as ever in their “retirement career,” tending goats, chickens, pigs and ducks on their farm, and making dairy products to vend at local markets, which they’ve done for several years.

Today, with help from their grandson Brian, the Carlsons milk more than 30 goats twice a day and make cheese several times a week. The family believes happy animals make healthy products: their dairy farm is also carries “Animal Welfare Approved” status, designated through the Animal Welfare Institute.

Read more at the Statesman Journal.

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